Brit Manor links up with Novieux and Mike Gao on “W8N4U” (Mass Appeal premiere)
Brit Manor drops another single from her forthcoming Only Child project. Premiered via Mass Appeal, “W8N4U” features Novieux (of Basecamp fame) and was produced by Mike Gao. As Brit explains to Mass Appeal:
Mike Gao, Novieux (Basecamp), and I met at the Red Bull Music Academy in 2015. On the very last night of an epic week, Gao got together with keyboardist Alexa Lima (Waking Astronomer) and Blursome (producer/sample artist) to work on this open, eerie beat. Knowing we wanted to collaborate, Novieux and I jumped in to write and record the melody and lyrics until 4 a.m. that morning…before we all jumped on planes back to our respective cities.
Available now along with pre-order for Only Child (drops next week):
Brit continues:
The duet is a metaphor for some kind of purgatorial anti-relationship—much like the nightmare of passing through a door that leads you into the room you were just in. It’s the kind of depressive romance that leaves each person hollowed and abandoned, probably delusional, wasting away in their respective dungeons, praying the other person might return. The sad part is that they both lie in wait for each other, shells of themselves, hoping they will be redeemed…not knowing someone has to do the redeeming.